Week 2 (1/25-1/27)
Tony Judt, “The Past Is Another Country: Myth and Memory in Postwar Europe,” in The Politics of Retribution in Europe (2000)
-an introduction to how European countries, especially Germany and France, evolved in their memories of WWII, and how these efforts were influenced by the political conditions of the postwar era.
European Parliament resolution of 19 September 2019 on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe (2019)
-a current example of how Europe is still memorializing the past.
Jay Winter, Remembering War: The Great War Between Memory and History (2006), “Setting the Scene”
- periodizes and describes three ‘memory booms’ that took place in Europe: the early 1900s, the 1960s-1980s, and the 1990s-early 2000s.
- However, is this periodization accurate?